Class themes


provide information about themes from theme/ subdir

Located in /lib/themes.class.php (line 36)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
 void __construct ([bool $detect_mobile_browser = true])
 array get ()
 array _known_themes ()
mixed $_default_theme = DEFAULT_THEME (line 42)

default theme used

  • access: protected
string $_default_theme_mobile = DEFAULT_THEME_MOBILE (line 48)

default theme used for mobile devices

  • access: protected
bool $_have_mobile_browser = false (line 54)

true if the HTTP_USER_AGENT has been identified as mobile device

  • access: protected
array $_mobile_browsers = array(
'Opera Mini',
'Windows CE',
(line 60)

list of case-insensitive substrings to check against HTTP_USER_AGENT to detect mobile devices

  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 82)


  • access: public
void __construct ([bool $detect_mobile_browser = true])
  • bool $detect_mobile_browser
get (line 137)

return array of available themes

- the default theme is first - all available themes will be listed as alternate in page header (done in template) - selecting a alternate via the browsers facility does *not* switch the layout file right now. Is this good or bad?

array get ()
is_mobile_browser (line 178)

tell whether the browser is considered 'mobile'

  • access: public
void is_mobile_browser ()
_known_themes (line 98)

returns list of themes available in themes/ subdir

  • todo: maybe detect this automatically? performance?
  • access: protected
array _known_themes ()

Documentation generated on Sun, 22 Aug 2010 11:20:28 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3