This class builds fundamental figures into a form that is easy to process in templates.
Use the add() method to push in records from the figure_data table. When done, tell the object to process all data by calling render(). Then all data is available for display through the get_* methods.
Located in /plugins/Figures/data_table.class.php (line 43)
data_map | --data_table
CSS class information for $_datatable
CSS class string used for rows, altered by _cycle_css_row()
most recent figures
the final table created by render()
mode of operation (input or display)
The add() method is only active in input mode while all the get_* methods are only available in display mode. You must call render() before you can get any data out. A new created object is in input mode.
list of periods that exist in the system. Used as {$link $_datatable} header.
rowspanning information for $_datatable
less recent figures (all those where a more recent counterpart is
available in $_data)
list of years for which there are figures available
Inherited from data_map
process figure_data record while in input mode
return class information for given row or cell ($row, $col), returns false if there is no such information (the row or cell should not have any class attribute set).
The $col paramenter is optional, if given you ask for a specific cell, if ommited (default) you ask for the entire row.
returns column indices for given $row, use render() first
returns number of rows in result table, use render() first
returns the number of years for which we have fundamental figures available
returns list off all periods that exist in the system
returns row indices of result table, use render() first
return rowspanning information for given cell ($row,$col), returns false if this cell should not span at all.
retrieve less recent fundamental figures by $row/$col
These are those figures that have a more recent counterpart in get_value(). Returns false if there is no such data available.
return value for a cell identified by $row/$col
returns list off years for which we have fundamental figures available
returns true if summary exists for given $row/$col
end input mode and render all data ready for displaying
add record to internal $_data or $_summary
returns cycled CSS class string to be used to rows, usefull when
looping through rows
update record in internal $_data array, make sure the old data still kept in summary.
Inherited From data_map
Documentation generated on Sun, 22 Aug 2010 11:20:16 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3